Djokovic opted for a lifestyle change in 2010 when he discovered his body’s allergic tendency to gluten foods which led to his becoming world No 1 just 12 months later.
Nutritionist, Dr Igor Cetojevic, found that Djokovic’s breathing difficulties were the consequence of an imbalance in his digestive system which was triggering an accumulation of toxins in his intestines and subsequent tests showed the player was strongly intolerant to wheat and dairy products and mildly sensitive to tomatoes, the Independent reports.
Post the detection, Djokovic decided to change his eating habits and let go of gluten, which is present in most foods and dairy products along with a cut on as much sugar as possible.
The champion’s menu now consists of vegetables, beans, white meat, fish, fruit, nuts, seeds, chickpeas, lentils and healthy oils.
Djovic swears by his morning ritual of having two tablespoons of honey with water for his everyday health.
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