Monday, 26 August 2013

Lord Ganesha blessings for peaceful life .Lets togather show our devotion to Ganapathi

Lord Ganesha blessings for peaceful life .Lets togather show our devotion to Ganapathi
Sairam friends, Its a very humble and small effort for lord Ganesha devotees to get a spark to be more devoted to Ganesha. The site has very little spiritual articles , Ganesha mantra and sloka. I hope to include more sacred mantra and Ganesha photos in the days to come ....
Sri Sai Ganesha is a part of StarSai Shirdi Sai baba Temple - you can write reponse, photos of Ganesha statues, Ganesha temples to email id in . I shall update your Lord Ganesha articles, experiences, Ganesha photos, Ganesha temple Pilgrimage and Lord Ganesha mantra in starsai blog. Please understand i might not have time to post all experiences and photos. I shall try my best.
Lord Ganesha is known as the first God in Hinduism. My parents taught me to worship lord Ganesha when i was a child and i affectionately call him "Pillayaar". When ever you feel like showing devotion on lord Ganesha and start any new studies,project or do any important works please chant for 12 times or as long as you can
Om Gam Ganapathaye Namaha
For those who love Goddess Mahalakshmi and also Lord Ganesha you can chant
Om Lakshmi Ganapathaye Namaha
When ever you visit SriSaiGanesha, Please chant the below mantra
Vakrathunda Mahaakaaya,
Sooryakotee Sama Prabha
Nirvighnam Kuru Mey Dheva
Sarva Kaaryashu Sarvadhaa
O Lord Ganesha with curved trunk and Massive body , the one whos splendor is equal to millions of Sun, please bless me so that i do not face obstacles in my works.
For shirdi saibaba devotees who love lord Ganesha we can chant "Sri Sai Ganesha" .I hope your soul gets purified through the words in this holy effort. Send your experience with lord ganesha, photo of near by temple ,pilgrimage to
If you are Interested in reading Lord Ganesha Stories, Rituals, Mantra click - Lord Ganesha Books online
Have Darshan of Lord Ganesha of our house to whom i do Holy Bath ( abishekam ) with Milk once in a while when ever i wish ----- Photos , Contents copyright protected


lord Ganesha Ganapathi

om Gam Ganapathaye Namaha
Sairam Friends,
I would like to express one of my experience here which i will cherish for life time.When Shirdi Saibaba made me create Saibaba temple of humanity in 2004 to spread the message of humanity and Sai's teachings i din't realize it will lead me in the path of light by helping sai children and few devotees who love Goddess Mahalakshmi, Saraswathi and other Hindu Gods and Goddess.
When i made and though its a small website, i did got a satisfaction that i am doing something to inspire people , especially if someone writes me that their children are not concentrating in studies , having obstacles, i used to request them to do little they can to other children .Example..Atleast once in a year we can try to give notes, books, pens to few Kids who cant afford it..If we live abroad and cant find opportunity to help poor children, atleast we can give pens or any educational products as a Gift to relatives or friends Child. By doing this i believe Goddess Saraswathi will gradually bless their child with good education and career.
Lord Ganesha's message through my Sai friend :
In january 2008, i had a beautiful experience . I had a sai friend from Indore who used to mail me once in a while. Once she called up in the morning and said she saw lord Ganesha in dream with some gadha with angry expressions saying "He is writing about all the Gods..Mahalakshmi , Saraswathi but he is not writing about me"
When i heared this dream , i wondered the reasons why God has choosen some one who lives thousands of miles away from me to get this information that i must write about ganesha .This could be due to the girls love for lord Ganesha and i love our Sai.Immediately i updated the first page in starsai with the poem "Vakrathunda Mahakaya..."
After many months , now i realized why Ganesha wants me to show devotion to him also like i show to sri shirdi saibaba my sweet saint . When ever we start new education, work or any project we have to worship Ganapathi as Ganapathi will bless us with the ability to remove obstacles in our life or in true sense
Lord Ganapathi will bless us to complete the work with out any obstacle.
Probably this sweet heart of Ganesha to remove the obstacles and pains in others life the reason Ganesha himself would have told in my friends dream to write about Ganesha. Many days i used to think what i am going to write about Ganesha as i don't know much about vedas and all this but i have gained a lot in life due to grace of Lord Ganesha.
in 1983 when my Mom was in hospital due to heal issues,my father used to take me to a little ganesha mandhir and i used to keep 10 paise coin as offering to Ganesha and pray "Save my Amma" .Some are religious and some are not.It all depends on how deeply we realize the powers of prayers right from our childhood and Ganesha has helped me realize this by blessing me and my sister by protecting my Mom and Dad. I would like to dedicate
"Sri Sai Ganesha"
as an expression of whole hearted thanks to Lord Ganesha for blessing me with wonderful parents who always encauraged me to work for Shirdi Saibaba when when i was a job less creature and now when i am working also.
A dream which inspired me to serve Lord Ganesha :
This morning on October 6th 2008 , i called up my father to say about the dream i had where i saw as if i am telling my parents as if i will go to Madurai Meenakshi Amman temple and come back immediately but since i realize the distace between by Mama's house n Meenakshi amman temple is too far, i get down from the train within 2 hours from where i started and run to someother temple where i saw few elephants decorated beautifully.
I was in the street near the temple and suddenly got scared of a elephant and run. The elephant chases me.another elephant blocks my way by keeping its trunk on the road .When i look behind i realize these elephants are not harming me, they actually want to play with me happily..They behave like father and mother playing with their baby. After this dream i had another dream as if i am in a huge ground where i faint..then after waking up i walk towards a stage .Its actually a shirdi saibaba mandhir and some of my friends are lighting lamps there. Then i get the prasad of Sai's Udi ..
I continued to lay down to recollect what i saw in dream. On my way to the small Hanuman mandhir, i got garland for Lord Hanuman and some Arugam pul ( green grass ) for lord ganesha...I offered to the very small ganesha statue there and prayed shirdi saibaba, Lord Hanuman and Ganesha to bless me with ability to create a Pooja for Lord Ganesha on Sakatahara Chaturthy every month.
Later when i read Narasimha swamiji's book devotees experience , i understood sai used to give dream to one of his devotee as if sai is playing with him like playing with children.
This dream was a motivation behind my little effort to spread a word about value of worshiping Lord Ganesha, Some Ganesha mantra, sloka,stotram etc. What surprised me is the fact that the saint who beautifully dedicated his life for sanatana dharma ,has actually wrote the Ganesha Pancha Ratnam and dedicated it to the Ganesha in Madurai Meenakshi Amman temple.It made me feel the creativity of my shirdi saibaba in blessing me with a odd dream which i was not able to understand and later gave me some informations and clarified me it is Sai's will to make me do something in the Name of Lord Ganesha.
All are children of God -
Though Shirdi Saibaba has never tried to associate himself with any purticular religion and i also wish to follow sai's golden words "Sabka Maalik Ek" - "God is One ", naturally everyone is attached to his or her own religion and their dieties. The name "Sri Sai Ganesha" simply means my love for shirdi saibaba and also my love for Lord Ganesha. So if you are devoted to either one of them or both of them i hope this website fills your heart with bliss.
Leela of lord Ganesha :
I just want to include a story about a boy called Nambi Aandaar in a village Thiru Naraiyur. The Ganesha in the temple of this village is called "Polla Pillayaar". It is said that Ganesha has done several Leela's ( Miracles ) to the little boy and He can even talk to Lord Ganesha.
The Thevaram Hymns are collection of Saivaite literature which was kept as a secret in the Nataraja temple of Chithambaram and was forgotten after the saints Appar,Sambandhar, Sundarar ascended to Thiru Kaiyilayam. Ten generations later the King Raja Raja Cholza became the emperor of south india and strived to find out the missing Thevaram Hymns as he was a urdent devotee of Lord Shiva.
Finally the king was told about this boy Nambi. Nambi requested his Ganesha in the temple and Ganesha also blessed him by exactly telling where Thevaram humns were located. Thus we are gifted with the Thevaram Hymns composed by sacred saints who are true servants of Lord Shiva.
The above story made me feel happy as Lord Ganesha also did a leela in my life through a beautiful dream to help few good souls walk in the path of Light of Sanatana Dharma. I feel painful that many Hindu's have not realized the beauty and sacredness of their own religion .We have to respect others religion but its not enough if we go to temple , celebrate Vinayaka Chaturti and have tasty foods.
Atleast once in our life time let us realize the sweetness of our Lord Ganesha, Lord Shiva and Parvathi who is jaganmata. Shes the mother of this and several universe we could never see. Let us join togather to humbly bow to Lord Ganesha and spread the message of love, unity ,harmony and peace amoung people of all caste , creed and religion.
Lord Vinayaka - Powers to remove Obstacles :
Though any kind of Dharma is good , the greatest dharma is to help anyone come out of pains. I love Lord Ganesha because he has powers to "remove obstacles in ones life" . I love the names Vinayaka and Pillayar as my mom taught me when i was a child.
My love for Pillayar - Lord Ganapathi :
Shirdi Saibaba came into my life when i was around 13 years old in 1993 and obviously born in a hindu family, i always loved Lord Ganesha and Murugan our family diety.
My father used to do Abhishekam ( holy bath ) for a little granite Ganapathi statue in our house. Its the way he shows devotion each and everyday. We also offer flowers to God.
There are something in life which has become habitual ..We pray Ganesha because we are asked to but beyond that we only know about Ganapathi celebrations and having modhak , tasty foods etc. Many times i used to offer Coconut in Ganesha temple and sometimes break the coconut too as an offering and Light lamps which i always do.Once one of our family Guru Mani iyer asked me to do abhishekam for the Pillayar ( ganesha ) kept under the tree for 12 sundays. I really wont forget those days when me and my dad used to wake up early in the morning, go to near by Ganesha mandhir and do holy bath for ganesha, apply oil , chandan, kumkum , light lamp and pray.

Sankatahara Chaturthi Prayer :

Worship Lord Ganesha on Sankatahara Chaturthi to remove all obstacles and convert problems in to opportunities :
Value of Worshiping Lord Ganesha on Sankatahara chaturthi day ( called as Sankasht chaturti in north india )
There are Sai children who suffer as they dont have a good Job, there are few who seek love but always get hurted, there are few who suffer due to health issues and few who has financial problems. No matter how much we try to pray for ourselves we do get obstacles. This obstacles creates depression in ones own mind and they lead a life of being jealous or lets say being fed up. Both of these are going to create a very negative society.
So i felt Shirdi Sai Baba wants me to do a little effort in making everyone realize the importance of worshipping lord Ganesha whole heartedly, reciting any small mantra's of Lord Ganesha regularly and especially learn about the value of worshipping lord Ganesha on everymonth when Sankatahara Chaturthi occurs.
It occurs during the fourth day of the Krishna paksha every month. Every year Maha Sankatahara Chathurthi is also celebrated.
Who ever comes to , i wish you
1.Chant mantra of Lord Ganesha few times everyday
especially on Sankatahara Chaturthi day. you can chant any small mantra 108 times or please try to read "Ganesha Pancha Ratnam " composed by Adi Sankara.
Its a beautiful poem which describes Lord Ganesha

2.Offer coconut, Bannana
or if you live abroad offer any fruit with devotion along with water . You can also do Holy bath to lord Ganesha statue and apply chandan and kumkum.
The fruits can be later used in food the next day or same day after prayer is over.
3.Light lamps to Ganesha statue or photo in your house. You can learn about the value of lighting lamps at .
4.Hope you understand that this website is not made to provide ritualistic way of doing a proper Ganesha pooja on Sankatahara Chaturthi day. My intention is to help people who love Lord Ganesha to atleast remember or utter few chantings of lord Ganesha on this holy day. When i was praying in the Hanuman mandhir for writing this article , i got a spark that i must request sai devotees to chant
"Sri Sai Ganesha" as much as they can..
infact this is only a simply can also chant other chantings like "om Ganeshaya namaha" or any traditional chantings of Lord Ganesha you know.
I shall also add few mantra's and slokas of lord Ganesha in the days to come.
5. Please do not mail me asking which day the Sankatahara chaturti comes on a puritcular month because really i might not have time for this. You can refer to any panchankam calender , some daily sheet calenders which has spiritual information or ask anyone in india to get such calenders and refer to it and tell you.
I will try to list the Sankata Chaturthy dates online when i can for every year.If you are not able to find the exact date of Sankata Chaturthy for a month, better choose any day you feel comfortable , have a lord Ganesha photo , light lamps and recite any mantra of Ganesha you like.This will also be a blessing and you can feel the bliss of divinity.
6.If possible and if your health cooperates you can do Sankatahara Chaturti Vrat. There are few who dont have even fruits or liquid juice while fasting. I request you can have food atleast once in a day or have liquid foods once in a while. What God looks is your pure love on him.


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