Thursday 26 September 2013

Lynsie Lee Isn’t a Vegan and Other Fun Facts About the Stripper Tweeting Cory Booker

Let’s get a few things straight about Lynsie Lee, this vegan stripper in Portland, Oregon who has become something of a Twitter pen pal with Newark mayor and surefire future presidential candidate Cory Booker:View image on Twitterv
She’s not famous. “I don’t think I’m famous,” she told me yesterday, which means she’s either very humble or very humblebrag. She’s totally famous. Joe Scarborough talked about her on MSNBC on Wednesday, and The New York Times wrote about her, and so did Time and so did Jezebel, though in fairness to Jezebel they were mostly mocking Buzzfeed, the media outlet that “broke” the story.
So yes, she is too famous. And she knows it, and she is being hilarious about it. On Wednesday she tweeted “my favorite part is that Buzzfeed is what I named my vibrator.” 
She is also unfailingly hilarious. She is not the least bit shy about the crush she has developed on America’s most eligible bachelor, and told me her Twitterrific intentions are perfectly clear:
“When he’s president, I want to be his first lady. I think a stripper would make a great first lady. I have better arms than Michele Obama, OK?”
She is not going to torpedo Mayor Booker’s presidential aspirations. Because the mayor sent no pics of his privates and was nothing but a “perfect gentleman.” Sure, he flirted, and with a (gasp!) stripper. But compared to the other “people of interest” who regularly exchange direct messages with Lee who are “way dirtier,” Booker was “a gentleman,” she told me. “I think I’m the creeper in this relationship. I want him to be interested in me, but it’s not going to happen over Twitter.”


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